Preparing for installation
Preparing for installation
Review this overview article to familiarize yourself with key concepts used in the Zowe server-side installation process. After you get familiar with these key concepts, review the articles in this section to prepare your system for installation.
To prepare for Zowe server-side installation, we recommend that your installation team review the installation and configuration tasks and the indicated required roles to perform specific procedures. Doing so can help you complete the process without encountering delays waiting for tasks to be completed at the last minute.
Key concepts in Zowe server-side installation
Before you begin the installation process, it is useful to understand the following key concepts and features used to perform the installation.
z/OS UNIX System Services (USS)
zFS is a UNIX file system where Zowe runtime files and folders are installed. Zowe uses a zFS directory to contain its northbound certificate keys as well as a truststore for its southbound keys if the administrator chooses to use PKCS#12 keystore for certificate storage.
For more information about USS, see Addressing UNIX System Servies (USS) Requirements.
Zowe runs in USS and makes heavy use of shell scripts and TCP/IP sockets, which creates temporary files and ENQUEUES within the /tmp directory. It is not likely that the increased volume of temporary files and ENQUEUES will impact your system, as this volume is on the scale of a few thousand temporary files and ENQUEUES, which are subsequently freed after configuration and startup.
If, in your specific case, this increase in the /tmp directory results in impacts to your system, or you are concerned about the possible impact of this increased volume in the /tmp directory, we recommend you update the following property in the zowe.yaml to move the created files and ENQUEUES to different directory:
TMPDIR: /your_path_to/zowe/tmp1
TEMP_DIR: /your_path_to/zowe/tmp2
CATALINA_TMPDIR: /your_path_to/zowe/tmp3
Runtime directory
The runtime directory contains the binaries, executable files, scripts, and other elements that are run when Zowe is started. Creating a Zowe runtime directory involves setting up the necessary environment for Zowe to run on your system.
You can create a runtime directory in one of the following ways:
- Create a directory and extract Zowe convenience build into this directory.
- Install the Zowe SMP/E FMID AZWE002 using the JCL members in the REL4 member.
- Execute the z/OSMF workflow script ZWERF01 contained in the SMP/E FMID AZWE002.
During execution of Zowe, the runtime directory contents are not modified. Maintenance or Zowe APAR releases replaces the contents of the runtime directory.
- Multiple instances of Zowe can be started from the same Zowe z/OS runtime. Each launch of Zowe has its own configuration, usually mentioned as Zowe YAML configuration file or zowe.yaml, and zFS directory that is known as a workspace directory.
Example of a runtime directory:
For Zowe in a high availability configuration, there will be only one workspace directory which must be created on a shared file system (zFS directory) where all LPARs in a Sysplex can access.
(If not using containerization) Zowe optionally uses a zFS directory to contain its northbound certificate keys as well as a truststore for its southbound keys if the administrator chooses to use PKCS#12 keystore for certificate storage. Northbound keys are one presented to clients of the Zowe desktop or Zowe API Gateway, and southbound keys are for servers that the Zowe API gateway connects to. The certificate directory is not part of the Zowe runtime so that it can be shared between multiple Zowe runtimes and have its permissions secured independently.
Zowe has the following started tasks:
is a cross memory server that the Zowe desktop uses to perform APF-authorized code. More details on the cross memory server are described in Configuring the Zowe cross memory server. -
is a cross memory Auxiliary server that is used under some situations in support of a Zowe extension. Auxiliary server is started, controlled, and stopped by the cross memory server, so no need to start it manually. More details are described in Zowe auxiliary service -
brings up other parts of the Zowe runtime on z/OS as requested. This may include Desktop, API mediation layer, ZSS, and more, but when using containerization likely only ZSS will be used here. It can be used for a single Zowe instance deployment and can also be used for Zowe high availability deployment in Sysplex. It brings up and stops Zowe instances, or specific Zowe components without restarting the entire Zowe instances.In order for above started tasks to run correctly, security manager configuration needs to be performed. This is documented in Configuring the z/OS system for Zowe and a sample JCL member
is shipped with Zowe that contains commands for RACF, TopSecret, and ACF2 security managers.
To start the API Mediation Layer as a standalone component, see API Mediation Layer as a standalone component.
If you plan to use API ML with basic authentication and JSON web token authentication, you need to run only
. No need to runZWESISTC
. -
If you plan to use API ML with x509 client-side certificate authentication, you need to run
Topology of the Zowe z/OS launch process
Runtime directory
The runtime directory contains the binaries and executable files. You can create a runtime directory in one of the following ways:
- Create a directory and extract Zowe convenience build into it.
- Installing the Zowe SMP/E FMID AZWE002 using the JCL members in the REL4 member.
- Executing the z/OSMF worklow script
contained in the SMP/E FMID AZWE002.
During execution of Zowe, the runtime directory contents are not modified. Maintenance or APAR release for Zowe replaces the contents of the runtime directory and are rollup PTFs.
A typical Zowe runtime directory looks like this:
├── bin/ - Zowe launch scripts
│ ├── commands/ - Sub-commands of zwe server command
│ │ ├── **/*/
│ ├── libs/ - Common shell function library
│ ├── utils/ - Miscellaneous utilities
│ ├── zwe - zwe server command
│ └── - Information on zwe server command
├── components/ - Zowe core components runtime
│ ├── api-catalog/ - Zowe core component - API Catalog as example
│ │ ├── bin/
│ │ ├── manifest.yaml - Zowe component manifest file
| │ └── catalog-schema.json - This component's schema file
│ ├── ...
│ └── zss/
├── schemas/